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田园时光美食  自制100%纯花生酱 homemade peanut butter

Anchor 1

去皮花生150克(Peeled peanuts 150 g)

甜炼乳1汤匙(Sweet condensed milk 1 tbsp)

菜油2汤匙 (Vegetable oil 2 tbsp)

盐1/5茶匙(Salt 1/5 tsp)



1、准备去皮花生150克。放入小锅内,再把油倒入锅内 油量能没过花生就行,油要选择花生油 或没有特别味道的油。

2、先用大火把油烧热,当你看到锅内的油开始冒小气泡时,马上转小火,然后始终保持小火慢慢炸,这样花生既可以炸至酥脆 又不会焦。

3、直到花生颜色开始转淡棕色 像视频显示的那样,捞出来放凉,花生放凉以后颜色还会加深一点。


Today we will be making simple homemade peanut butter! It's incredibly rich & creamy and has zero preservatives!


Prepare 150 grams of skinless peanuts, place the in a little pan and pour in enough oil to cover the peanut. Use either peanut oil or a non scented oil 


Turn heat on high and once you see little bubbles forming, immediately turn the heat down to low. fry the peanuts on low heat until they are crispy. this will prevent them from burning


Once the peanuts have darkened in color as shown, drain the oil and let it chill. It should darken even more in color once it's completely cooled


Place them in a blender and add in some sweeten condensed milk, salt and oil, once again, make you sure you're not using a scented oil.


Blend the peanut until it's creamy and buttery. you may need to stir the peanuts a couple of times in between pulses 


And it's ready! it's good up to one month in the fridge! 




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