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田园时光美食--麻辣牛肉干Chinese beef jerky 

牛瘦肉500克(Lean beef 500g)

生姜5克(Ginger 5 g)

八角2-3个(2-3 Star anise)

草果 1个(1 Tsaoko)

桂叶2片(2 Bay leaves)

酱油3汤匙(3 tbsp soy sauce)

料酒1汤匙(1tbsp cooking wine)

花椒2汤匙(Chinese prickly ash 2tbsp)

辣椒粉1汤匙(1 tbsp chili powder)

白芝麻1汤匙(1 tbsp white sesame seeds)

盐1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon salt)

糖1茶匙(1 teaspoon sugar)



1、 首先要选瘦的牛肉500克,如果你喜欢有嚼劲的 可以选带点筋的瘦牛肉。

2、 先把牛肉切成小条,把它放入冷水锅里,然后把水烧开后就可以关火,这时你会看到大量的浮沫出现,把牛肉条滤出来用冷水清洗干净。备用。

3、 准备屏幕显示的香料可以根据自己喜欢增减。    在锅里放入500毫升的水,把香料放入,再倒入酱油3汤匙(3 tbsp soy sauce) 料酒1汤匙(1tbsp cooking wine)烧开后 放入牛肉条。再烧开后 转中偏小火煮20分钟,让它入味。

4、 牛肉煮好后,先把里面的香料取出来。  再把牛肉条捞出来。  留下的汤可以做其他用。

5、 取出来的牛肉平铺在厨房纸上晾凉,让它表面变得干燥一些。

6、 锅烧热,放入1/3杯油,把牛肉条倒入翻炒,用中偏高火。一直炒到牛肉条变成棕色,表面略微有些酥脆。 把牛肉条捞出来一边备用。

7、 准备花椒粉,最好选屏幕显示的这种花椒,取2汤匙左右,放入炒锅里 中火慢慢炒到酥脆,但不要炒焦了。炒好的花椒一定要把它放凉,然后再放到石臼里 磨成粉状,你也可以用机器磨。

8、 把磨好的花椒过筛一下,不粗的颗粒去掉。花椒粉就做好了。

9、 现在准备辣椒粉,我用的是韩国辣椒粉。或你用 paprika 这些辣椒粉很香但不是太辣。如果你要更辣的口感 你自己选择。

10、            现在到最后的步骤:把锅烧热 放入2汤匙油,立即转小火,放入1汤匙白芝麻炒熟,如果你用的是烤熟的芝麻 就不需要炒。  再放入屏幕显示调味料,这里的辣椒粉和花椒粉 可以根据自己的口味调整。稍微翻炒一下就可以倒入牛肉条混匀即可一定记住要用小火炒 不然调味料会有苦味。





First we will select 500 grams of lean beef, if you prefer a chewier texture, select a part with tendons


Slice the beef into strips, place them into a pot of cold water, once it comes to a boil, turn off the heat. Strain off the foam that floated to the top and wash the beef clean with cold water and set aside 


Place the spices on the screen in a pot of 500ml of water, you can make your own adjustment to the spices to your own liking. add in 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, after it has come to a boil, add in the beef strips. once it boils again, turn the heat down to medium low and cook for 20 minutes for the flavour to immerse


Once it's ready, remove the spices first then strain the beef out. you can keep the stock for other usage


Dry the beef strip with some paper towel and let the surface of the meat dry 


Heat a pot and add in 1/3 cup of oil, place in the beef strip and pan fry on medium high heat until the beef strip turns brown and crispy. set that aside


Measure out 2tablespoons of pepper corn, try to use this brand here. add into the pan and stir until it turns crispy. careful not to let it burn. set it aside and let it cool, place the pepper corns in a mortar and grind into a powder. you can use a machine also 


Sift the powder and remove any large pieces.


Now prepare the red pepper powder. I'm using a Korean red pepper powder, you can use Paprika instead which is not very spicy but got a nice flavour to it. if you prefer a beef jerky with more heat to it, choose a spicier red pepper powder 



Now for the last step, heat a pan until it is hot and add in 2 tablespoons of oil and turn it down to low, add in 1 tablespoon of white sesame and stir fry until it's cooked. if you are using toasted sesames you can continue with the next step. now add in the remaining seasonings and stir fry slightly to let the flavour fully incorporate. Add in the beef strip and   remember to stir fry on low heat to prevent the spices from burning. You can adjust the amount of the red pepper powder and prickly ash pepper powder in this recipe to your own liking.  and it's ready 


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