Garden Time
homemade cuisine
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Dim Sum
快手菜 Quickly dishes
小芋头400克(Small taro 400 g)
菱粉(木薯淀粉或树薯粉)100克(Tapioca 100g)
糯米粉2汤匙(Glutinous rice flour 2 tbsp)
干香菇20克(Dried shiitake mushrooms 20 g)
虾皮或虾干10克(Dried shrimp 10 g)
罐头冬笋200克(Canned bamboo shoots 200 g)
葱50克(Green onions 50 g)
鱼露1汤匙(1 tbsp fish sauce)
麻油 ½茶匙(½ tsp sesame oil)
料酒1茶匙(1 tsp cooking wine)
糖1茶匙(1 tsp sugar)
盐3/4茶匙(salt 3/4 tsp)
1、先把 干香菇 用水泡软,虾干 也用水泡软。
3、炒锅烧热,加1汤匙油,先把葱炒香,再依次放入 虾干,冬菇和冬笋炒香。
4、加入屏幕显示调味料(鱼露1汤匙\麻油 ½茶匙\料酒1茶匙\糖1茶匙\盐1/4茶匙)。拌匀,馅料就做好了。
5、把小芋头 煮熟。取出来后,放到不烫手,把芋头皮剥掉,或者直接用水冲凉后再剥皮。
6、去皮的芋头放在一个大碗里,放入屏幕显示的 (菱粉100克\糯米粉2汤匙 \盐1/2茶匙),这里的糯米粉 不能放多。
8、每个小面团用手掌压成圆片,压成像饺子皮的样子,不需要太薄。把馅料包入,尽量多包一些 。
First soak the dry shitake mushrooms as well as the dried shrimps
Then prepare the canned bamboo shoots and set aside the green onions
Dice up all up and set aside
Heat a pan until hot and add in 1 tablespoon of oil, stir the green onions in and stir around until fragrant. then add in the dried shrimps, shitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots one after another and stir in until fragrant
Season with the ingredients shown on the screen(1 tsp sugar/1 tbsp fish sauce/½ tsp sesame oil\1 tsp cooking wine\salt 1/4 tsp), and your filling is ready
Steam some small sized taros and take them out to slightly chill, when they are at a good temperature to hold with your hands peel off the skin, or you can give it a quicky cold water bath before peeling
Place the taro in a big pole with the tapioca flour 100g and the glutinous rice flour 2 tbspand salt 1/2tsp, care flu not to add too much glutinous rice flour
Start crushing the taro and mix everything into a dough like form. if there are large chunks of the taro that's too tough to incorporate, just take them out. use the top of your fingers to knead to avoid sticking, if it's too sticky still add in a little bit more tapioca flour
Keep kneading until a smooth dough is formed, then divide that in to 16 pieces
Roll each piece into a ball and press them with your palm into a flat circle, kind of like a dumpling skin. try not to make the skin too thin or the fillings will leak out. wrap in the fillings and add in as much as possible . place the dumplings into a steamer with a banana leaf lined at the bottom, do not let the dumplings touch to proven sticking.
Place the steamer in a pot of boiling water and steam for 6 minutes