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木瓜沙拉papaya salad

青木瓜丝400克(Shredded Green Papaya 400 g)

胡萝卜丝 100克(Shredded carrots 100g)

蟹肉棒 5-6条(5-6 of crab stick)

蒜末 1汤匙(1 tbsp minced garlic)

朝天椒1-3个(1-3 of hot pepper)

鱼露1汤匙(1 tbsp fish sauce)

糖1.5汤匙(1.5 tbsp sugar)

白醋1汤匙 (1 tbsp white vinegar)

青柠檬汁2汤匙(2 tbsp lime juice)

香菜1/4杯(1/4 cup coriander)

烤熟的花生 1/2杯(1/2 cup roasted peanuts)



1、首先要选青的木瓜,视频里我用的木瓜不是那么生(有一点点偏熟),所以口感有点绵软,如果你喜欢爽脆的口感 一定要选很生很青的,里面的瓜肉是白色的木瓜。把木瓜去皮 ,擦丝后大约取出400克的量。



3、把5-6根蟹肉棒 撕成条状,尽量买质量好的蟹肉棒,也可以用熟蟹肉或虾仁代替。

4、现在调酱汁:把屏幕显示的材料放入一个碗里,里面的朝天椒(小红辣椒)非常的辣,你要自己掌握用量,另外酱汁调好以后 可以把辣椒颗粒和辣椒籽过滤出来,如果怕入口太辣的话。






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Today we will make a refreshing papaya salad, perfect reminder of summer


First we will select our papaya, the one I'm using is more on the ripe side so it's slightly on the softer end, if you prefer a crunchier taste make sure you pick one that is much greener than this. The type of papaya I'm using is white on the inside. first peel the skin then shred about 400grams. 


Shred 100 grams of carrots


Now we will use our hand to tear apart 5-6 string of crab meat, try to find a a good quality brand or feel free to substitute with real crab instead, shrimp would work too


Now we will make the sauce, use the ingredients shown on the screen and mix. careful with the red peppers, they are very spicy so decide how much you want to add base on your preference and tolerance. you can remove the seeds if you want it less spicy too 


Now we will mix all the ingredients together except the sauce, add in the sauce right before you are ready to eat and sprinkle on some chopped peanuts and we are done! 



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