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糯米250克(250 g glutinous rice)

去皮花生50克(peanut 50 g)

红枣50克(Red jujube 50 g)

荸荠50克(Water chestnuts 50 g)

葱 15克(Green onions 15 g)

棕糖(红糖)1/2杯(Brown sugar1/2 cup )

盐1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 tsp)

菜油3汤匙(Vegetable oil 3 tbsp)


今天和大家分享我的私房甜点 炒糯米饭。

1、先要把糯米 浸泡4-5个小时。然后清洗干净、沥干。蒸锅铺一层纱布,把糯米放在上面,尽量摊薄,这样容易蒸透。水开了以后蒸20到30分钟。直到糯米熟透。取出来一边备用。

2、同时,准备其他材料:把无皮的花生 用中火炒熟,直到酥脆焦黄,注意不要炒过头了。然后切成细颗粒。备用。


3、不粘锅放入3汤匙油,放入葱花炒香,再放荸荠和红枣,加些盐 让味道更有层次 ,炒匀后放入蒸熟的糯米饭,再炒匀放入棕糖 ,最后拌入花生碎。也可以用核桃代替。





Today I will share with you guys my family recipe for a delicious chinese dessert, stir fried sticky rice


First soak the glutinous rice for 4-5 hours and wash clean and drain. cover the steamer with a layer of cheese cloth and spread the rice onto evenly, the thinner the better, this will allow them to heat evenly and equally. after the water has come to a boil let it steam for about 20-30 minutes. take the glutinous rice out and set aside


While you are waiting for the rice to cook, prepare the other ingredients. panfry some skinless peanuts on medium heat until it is crunchy and toasty, careful not to burn. then dice into little bits and set aside


Mince some green onions15g, water chestnut50 g and red dates 50 g


Place 3 tablespoons of oil in a non stick plan and stir in the green onions until it is fragrant. then add in the water chestnut and the red dates. add a little bit of salt for extra flavouring. after everything is well combined add in the cooked rice and mix in the brown sugar as well. finally add in the peanut chunks and we are complet! feel free to substitue the peanuts for walnuts if you prefer. 


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