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鸡蛋3个(3 eggs)
生粉40克(Cornstarch 40 g)
水100毫升(Water 100 ml)
豆芽 200克(Bean sprouts 200 g)

鲜香菇60克(Fresh Shiitake  mushroom 60g)

胡萝卜50克(Carrot 50g )

葱 20克(Green onions 20 g)
盐1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp salt)
照烧汁1汤匙(1 tbsp teriyaki sauce)
料酒1汤匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)
白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp white pepper powder)








3、用同样的方法把所有的蛋液做完。 然后切成条状。每一条蛋皮都要分开,成松散状态。


4、准备好屏幕显示的所有配料(豆芽 200克\鲜香菇60克\胡萝卜50克\葱 20克)。


5、炒锅烧热 放入1。5汤匙油,先把葱段炒香。再把胡萝卜炒到软 然后加入鲜香菇片 炒软。加入屏幕显示的调味料(盐1/2茶匙\照烧汁1汤匙\料酒1汤匙\白胡椒粉1/2茶匙),炒匀后放入豆芽,炒到豆芽变软,最后加入蛋皮,炒匀即可








We will first beat 3 eggs, then add  40 grams of corn starch with 100ml of water and mix well, then slowly combine this mixture into the egg mixture


Use a medium size non stick pan and brush on a little bit of oil with a paper towel, heat and pour in a quarter of the egg mixture, remember to stir the mixture before pouring to prevent the corn starch from settling, gently shake the pan to evenly distribute the egg mixture, let it set on medium heat and flip the omelette  over and let it heat for a little bit before removing it from the pan and setting it aside. let it cool on a colander so the heat can escape quickly 


Use this same method and use up all the egg mixtures, slice the egg omelettes into thin strips, separate them all individually and keep them loosely stacked


Prepare -- (Bean sprouts 200 g\Fresh Shiitake  mushroom 60g\Carrot 50g \Green onions 20 g)


Heat a pan with 1.5 tablespoon of oil and stir fry some green onions until fragrant, add in the carrots, stir until it turns soft and add in some fresh shiitake mushrooms and stir until it turns soft. add in the seasonings(1/2 tsp salt\1 tbsp teriyaki sauce\1 tbsp cooking wine\1/2 tsp white pepper powder) and after icing well add in the bean sprout, stir around a bit more until all is incorporated and cooked then add in the egg omelette slices. 


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