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鸡蛋6个(6 eggs)
Tea (green tea or black tea, etc.) 5 g
盐1/2茶匙(salt 1/2tsp)
酱油1/4杯(1/4 cup soy sauce)
八角5克(Star anise 5g)
桂皮5克(cinnamon sticks5g)
香叶2片(2 bay leaves)
糖 1茶匙(Sugar 1tbsp)





1、把6个鸡蛋放到  冷水锅里  用中火烧开后,煮5--7分钟。注意开始的时候火力太大了鸡蛋容易煮爆掉。



4、敲破壳的鸡蛋放到中号汤锅里,加500毫升水(水要没过鸡蛋)。再放入视频显示的材料(茶叶--绿茶或红茶等5克 \ 5 g盐1/2茶匙\酱油1/4杯\八角5克\桂皮5克\香叶2片\糖 1茶匙)。






Today we will make a classic chinese dish that is known in every home, the famous tea eggs 


Place 6 eggs into a pot filled with cold water and let it cook for 5-7 minutes on medium heat, careful not to turn the heat on too high to prevent the eggs from cracking


Strain them and place them in a cold water bath


After the eggs have cooled down crack the egg gently with even spacing


Place the eggs into medium size soup pot and add in 500ml of water, the water should go over the eggs and add in all the seasonings shown on screen(Tea -green tea or black tea, etc.\salt 1/2tsp\1/4 cup soy sauce\Star anise 5g\cinnamon sticks5g2 bay leaves\Sugar 1tbsp)


Turn the heat on high and once it has come to a boil let it cook for another 15 minutes on medium heat, then turn off the heat and let it soak for 2-3 hours, feel free to extend the soaking time if you prefer a really strong flavour 



Now all you have to do is deshell it's ready to eat, try dipping the eggs in the sauce for a extra fragrant taste 



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