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Homemade sausage spicy sausage 

猪梅头肉2000克( pork butt 2000g)
粉状红酒粬2汤匙(Red yeast rice 2tbsp)
盐3/4汤匙(Salt 3/4 tbsp)
酱油5汤匙(5 tbsp soy sauce)
白糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)
五香粉1汤匙(1 tbsp five spice powder)
高度约56度白酒60毫升(High alcohol liquor 60 ml)
肠衣3-3.5米(Sausage casing 3-3.5 m)

辣椒粉2汤匙(Chili powder 2 tbsp)
花椒粉2t汤匙(Chinese prickly ash pawder 2tbsp)
盐3/4汤匙(Salt 3/4 tbsp)
高度约56度白酒60毫升(High alcohol liquor 60 ml)
酱油5汤匙(5 tbsp soy sauce)
白糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)
五香粉1/2汤匙(1/2tbsp five spice powder)
白胡椒粉1茶匙(1 tsp white pepper)
韩国辣椒粉2汤匙(Korean chili powder 2 tbsp)


1、猪梅头肉2000g (最好的肥肉和瘦肉比例是3:7)--用厨房纸擦干水分。


3、把视频显示的所有腌料--粉状红酒粬2汤匙(Red yeast rice 2tbsp)盐3/4汤匙(Salt 3/4 tbsp)酱油5汤匙(5 tbsp soy sauce)白糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)五香粉1汤匙(1 tbsp five spice powder)高度约56度白酒60毫升(High alcohol liquor 60 ml)拌入。然后,用手揉搓到肉粒起粘性。放到冰箱冷藏腌制6-8个小时

4、如果你喜欢辣口味的,就用屏幕显示的腌料--辣椒粉2汤匙(Chili powder 2 tbsp)花椒粉2t汤匙(Chinese prickly ash pawder 2tbsp)盐3/4汤匙(Salt 3/4 tbsp)高度约56度白酒60毫升(High alcohol liquor 60 ml)酱油5汤匙(5 tbsp soy sauce)白糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)五香粉1/2汤匙(1/2tbsp five spice powder)白胡椒粉1茶匙(1 tsp white pepper)韩国辣椒粉2汤匙(Korean chili powder 2 tbsp)。里面的辣椒粉建议用干辣椒去籽后烤干,然后磨成粉。花椒粉也可以这样做。

5、肠衣 3-3.5 m洗净后用水泡15分钟去掉盐份。


7、把肠衣的一头套在瓶口,握紧然后灌入腌好的肉粒。肠子要灌得均匀,但不要太饱满。每一小段 用绳子扎个结。

8、用牙签把每一段香肠的表面都戳一些小洞 让其透气。放到户外通风处晾3-5天
(避免阳光直晒 最佳温度0-10 ° C)

9、如果没有合适的天气和温度,你可以按照视频显示的方法放在冰鲜冷藏室里晾干 。
10、香肠一旦水分收干,表面开始出皱褶后 就可以食用了。可煮着或蒸着吃


With fall just around the corner, this is the perfect time of the year to make some homemade sausages. and today I will be sharing with you guys two recipes of these delicious treats 



Prepare 2000 grams of pork butt meat, preferably with a fat to lean meat ratio of 3:7, wipe dry with a kitchen towel.Dice into small pieces


Mix in all the marinating ingredients shown on the screen--粉状红酒粬2汤匙(Red yeast rice 2tbsp)盐3/4汤匙(Salt 3/4 tbsp)酱油5汤匙(5 tbsp soy sauce)白糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)五香粉1汤匙(1 tbsp five spice powder)高度约56度白酒60毫升(High alcohol liquor 60 ml) and mix with your hands until the meat turns slightly sticky. let it chill in the fridge for 6-8 hours


If you prefer something spicy,then mix together all the ingredients shown on the screen --辣椒粉2汤匙(Chili powder 2 tbsp)花椒粉2t汤匙(Chinese prickly ash pawder 2tbsp)盐3/4汤匙(Salt 3/4 tbsp)高度约56度白酒60毫升(High alcohol liquor 60 ml)酱油5汤匙(5 tbsp soy sauce)白糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)五香粉1/2汤匙(1/2tbsp five spice powder)白胡椒粉1茶匙(1 tsp white pepper)韩国辣椒粉2汤匙(Korean chili powder 2 tbsp)and for the chilli powder, you can even make your own by deseeding and baking peppers and grind into a powder. the prickly ash powder can be made as such also


Prepare 3-3.5 m of sausage casing, wash clean and soak in the water for 15 minutes to remove the salt content


Use the lower part of a plastic water bottle and it will serve as a sausage filling mechanism

cover the opening of the bottle with one end of the sausage casing, firmly hold it in place and start adding in the filling. it's crucial to evenly fill the sausage casing and not over stuff it. after every section, tie a knot with a string


Use a toothpick and poke some holes in each sausage to let it breath and let it air dry outdoors for 3-5 days, ,make sure to avoid the sunlight, the best temperature is between 0-10 degrees


If you don't have access to the appropriate drying location and weather, you can dry in fridge as shown in the video


As soon as the moisture evaporate from the sausage, the casing will start to wrinkle, that's a sign for when it's ready to eat! you can pan fry them or steam them. store in a air tight container in the freezer and we are done! 


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