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​田园时光美食-凉拌烤麸Gluten salad

主料(Main ingredients)

新鲜烤麸 150克(Fresh gluten 150 g)

西芹 80克(Celery 80 g)

胡萝卜 50克(Carrot 50 g)

黑木耳 40克 (Wood ear 40 g)


酱汁材料(Sauce ingredients)

白芝麻酱1汤匙(Tahina  1 tablespoon)

芥末 少量(Wasabi  a little bit)

 酱油 1.5茶匙(Soy sauce 1.5 teaspoons)

麻油 1茶匙(Sesame oil 1 teaspoon)

糖 1/2茶匙(Sugar 1/2 teaspoon)

盐 1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 teaspoon)

白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙(White pepper powder 1/4 teaspoon)

红油 1/2茶匙更多(Red oil 1/2 teaspoon more)

适量温开水(Some warm water)



1、取新鲜的烤麸 (做法搜 田园 烤麸),如果你是买来冰鲜的 建议用滚水焯一下 并记住控干水份后使用。

Prepare some fresh gluten (you can check out the recipe in the link in the description) or store-bought gluten works too. Just remember to blanch in some boiling water then squeeze out the water before using

2、准备配料 西芹切薄片  胡萝卜切细丝 黑木耳撕小片。

Then prepare the other ingredients. slice celeries into thin slices, slice carrots into match sticks and tear woodier fungi into little pieces


cook the wood ear fungi in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. blanch the celery and the carrots. using a salad spinner, remove as much of the moisture as possible then mix in with the gluten

4、准备酱汁: 屏幕显示调味料调匀 如果酱汁比较浓稠 可以用少量温水稀释.与烤麸和配料拌匀即成。最后撒一下切碎的香菜会更好吃。

now prepare the dressing , mix together the ingredients shown and mix well(If the sauce is too thick you can dilute it with a bit lukewarm water). drizzle on and sprinkle on some chopped cilantro and it's ready!

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