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beef chunk soup

牛瘦肉 500克(Lean beef meat 500g)

盐1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon salt)

碱水 1/2茶匙 (Lye water 1/2 tsp)

白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙(White pepper powder 1/2 tsp)

菱粉4汤匙(Tapioca 4 tbsp)


鱼露Fish sauce
葱花chopped green onion




1、首先我们需要一块瘦的牛肉 ,我用了500克左右。先把它切成细条,这里说明一下,下面我要用电动搅拌器来做,如果没有机器的朋友,你可以买质量好的瘦的牛肉糜Lean and ground beef,用手动搅拌器搅打。现在我们把切好的牛肉丝放到水里清洗几遍,再浸泡30分钟,主要是为了去掉牛肉里的血水,如果你不介意可以不洗。之后把牛肉过滤出来 把里面的水分尽量挤干。




3、把剁好的牛肉放到电动搅拌机里 electric mixer  加入白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙,盐1/2茶匙和碱水 1/2茶匙 (Lye water 1/2 tsp)  碱水要用1茶匙水稀释一下倒入。如果没有碱水 可以用1/2茶匙小苏打加1汤匙水调匀,来替代。之后用扁平的搅拌头a flat eater,开中速搅打至 牛肉起粘性约需10分钟 左右。


4、然后在打好之后的牛肉里加入淀粉水(配比是 4汤匙菱粉Tapioca + 3汤匙水)这里的菱粉可以用玉米淀粉、地瓜粉或土豆淀粉代替。搅拌均匀成泥状。



5、锅里放足够的水,加热到锅底看见很多小泡泡,关小火,然后马上把牛肉泥用勺子或手 一小坨一小坨的放入,形状可以随意但要尽量大小均匀,不要太大块。


 6、放入锅里的牛肉会很快成型,这时你可以开中偏高火,把它煮沸,中间撇去浮沫。当水煮沸 牛肉浮上来,就可以把它捞出来,牛肉滑就做好了。你可以把它放凉后进入冰箱保存。


7、吃的时候,烧开一锅水 加一点葱或者你还可以放入一些鸡汤, 之后放入适量的牛肉滑,再煮开煮透即可。碗里放一些葱花,加入鱼露调味 然后把煮好的牛滑汤倒入碗内,如果你喜欢还可以加一点点的白胡椒粉。牛滑汤就做好了。这道汤的调味虽然很简单 但却有非同一般的味道,吃过你就不会忘记的。






First we will prepare 500 grams of lean beef, slice into thin strips. I will be grinding this up with an electric mixer in this recipe. For the viewers who don't have a mixer, you can skip the meat processing step and substitute the lean meat with some good quality lean ground beef and mix the seasoning in by hand. now back to the recipe,rinse the beef strips in some clear water and soak for 30 minutes, this will get rid of any excess blood in the meat. if you don't mind the taste, you can totally skip this step. After soaking, squeeze as much of the water out and pat dry. 


Dice the meat strip into little chunks and gently chop for 80-100 times, keep a little bit of the remaining large pieces.


Add the meat chunks into the electric mixer and add 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of lye water diluted with 1 teaspoon of water. if you don't have lye water, you can substitute with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water. beat the meat with a flat end beater on medium speed for 10 minutes until the meat gains some stickiness. 


Combine 4 tablespoons of tapioca powder with 3 tablespoons of water into a paste and pour into the meat. you can replace the tapioca powder with corn starch, potato starch or sweet potato starch.  


Boil a good amount of water in a pot and once you begin to see little bubbles start to form, turn the heat to low and drop in little dollops of meat paste into the pot. you can form them with your hand or a spoon, try to keep the size uniformed and on the smaller end. 


The meat paste will take form immediately in the pot, you can now turn the heat back on to medium high and let it boil, remove any foam that rises during the cooking, and once the meat floats to the top it's ready. you can make a batch of these and store them in the fridge. 


When you are ready to eat them, boil a pot a water,  add in a bit of chicken stock and place the prepared meat chunks. once it comes to a boil it's ready. sprinkle on some green onions and fish sauce and it's ready. you can even season with some white pepper. this is a very simple dish but it has a very unique flavour that you won't forget once you've tasted it. 

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