Garden Time
homemade cuisine
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Dim Sum
快手菜 Quickly dishes
田园时光美食--加料红糖馒头Black Sugar Mantou
1、酵母要激活(要看见大量浮沫 速效酵母容易些 普通干酵母用温水和少量糖帮助激活)
2、面团一定要发到2-3倍大(面团不要太软 一杯粉 配半杯水少一些 )
3、朔型时一定要把面团揉实 揉光滑(好馒头 不怕揉)
4、上锅蒸前要 饧一下(20摄氏度的室温15-20分钟)
中筋面粉330克约2-1/4杯(All purpose flour 330 g)
亚麻籽粉 1汤匙 (自选)Flaxseed powder 1 tablespoon (optional)
干酵母1/2茶匙(Dry yeast 1/2 teaspoon)
糖1/4茶匙(Sugar 1/4 teaspoon)
温水(40ºC)2汤匙(Warm water (40ºC) 2 tablespoons)
白芝麻15克约2汤匙(White sesame 15 g)
核桃30克约1/4杯(Walnut 30 g)
去核红枣20克 约6-7颗(De-pitted red dates 20g)
水240毫升(Water 240 ml)
棕糖60克约1/3杯(Brown sugar 60 g)
白糖1/2汤匙(Sugar 1/2 tablespoons)
首先第一步 先把酵母激活。 干酵母、糖、温水 搅匀。静置10-15分钟 看到出现许多泡沫,酵母就被激活了。一边备用。
第二 准备配料。 炒锅里放入白芝麻 、核桃(把核桃用手掰成小颗粒 这样与白芝麻可以同步 受热) 开中偏小火慢慢翻炒直到 颜色变成金黄。
关火,放入去核红枣 利用锅里的余热 让红枣表面 变干。当这些材料变凉的时候 用果汁机打成粉状。一边备用。
第三,煮红糖水。先量好1杯240毫升的水,然后在小汤锅里放入棕糖 从准备好的水杯里取出非常少的一点点 倒入糖里,用中偏高火煮,直到你闻到糖焦香,注意不要煮过头。再往里加一点白糖,2种糖会让甜味很丰富。白糖溶化了即可关火。把杯子里所有的水倒入汤锅,搅匀让锅里的糖浆融化。汤锅放在一边让它降温 至不烫手的温度。
第四 开始和面。 大碗里放入面粉 、 亚麻籽粉(Flaxseed powder)、之前打好的核桃芝麻粉、粟粉(Cornstarch)拌匀后 倒入激活的酵母水 还有 红糖水 记得要确定红糖水的温度不要太高。 开始混合面团,可以用少量的粉或水调整面团的软硬度。不要揉太久 成团就行 这样可以保持面团的温度。加盖 放到温暖的地方发酵 40分钟-1个小时 直到面团变成原来的2倍大 或你看到面团内有蜂窝转的组织出现。
第五,揉面朔型。 在板上撒粉,把发好的面团取出 揉至非常光滑,分成6份。每一份小面团再揉至光滑 没有气泡。像视频显示的一样,做成馒头的样子 。放入蒸笼 记得要点上烘培纸,加盖在室温里静置至少15分钟。
第六,蒸馒头。蒸笼放入冷水的锅里 烧开之后 转中偏高火 蒸15分钟 这期间不要开盖。 关火,等5分钟再开盖。
One of my favourite home food is my mom's black sugar man tou, which is a type of popular chinese bun. Today my mom will be sharing her special recipe for you to make for your family.
First, you will activate the yeast, mix dry yeast, sugar and warm water together and let it sit for 10-15 minutes until you see foam forming on top and set aside
Second, prepare the side ingredients. toast some white sesame and walnuts in a pan on medium low heat until they turn golden. a tip from my mom is to break the walnuts into tiny pieces so they will heat up faster and more evenly
Turn off the heat and add in the de-pitted red dates, let it dry out a bit with the remaining heat of the pan,, once everything is cooled, pour into a blender and pulse until it is powder like, set aside
Prepare the black sugar water, measure 1 cup of water about 240ml of water. Place the black sugar in a small pot and add in a tiny bit of water.
cook on medium high heat until you can smell the caramelization. careful not to burn the sugar. add in a bit of white sugar for extra depth in flavour.
Once the white sugar is melted, remove the pot off the stove and pour in the remaining water, stir until all the sugar melts. let it cool until luke warm
Now we will make the dough, mix flour with some flaxseed, mix in the walnut, sesame powder add in the activated yeast water along with the black sugar water. careful to check that the water is not too hot. knead until it's in a dough form. adjust the softness if necessary by adding in more water or flour
. No need to knead for too long, once it's in the form of a ball you can cover it and let it sit in a warm location and rise for 40 minutes to 1 hour. The dough will double in size, and you will be able to see honey comb structures forming within the dough
sprinkle on some flour and knead the dough again until it's smooth on the surface, divide into 6 pieces and knead each individual ball until there are no longer air bubbles within. place them in a steamer as shown, remember to add on baking paper first. cover with a lid and let it sit for 15 minutes at room temperature.
Finally, place the steamer into a cold pot and once the water comes to a boil, turn it down to medium high heat and steam for 15 minutes, make sure you don't lift open the lid during the process. turn off the heat and wait 5 minutes to open the lid.
These man tous are extremely soft and flavourful, I especially love the sweet and nuttiness from the dates, sesame and walnuts.