Garden Time
homemade cuisine
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Dim Sum
快手菜 Quickly dishes
田园时光美食 --八宝糯米肠Sweet rice sausage
糯米1杯约215克(Glutinous rice 1 cup)
猪油1汤匙(Lard 1 tablespoon)
红枣碎 1/2杯(Chopped dates 1/2 cup)
熟芝麻 1汤匙(Roasted sesame seeds 1 tablespoon)
烤熟花生碎 2汤匙(Chopped roasted peanuts 2 tablespoons)
桂圆干 (切碎)8-10个{8-10 dried longan(chopped) }
红糖 3-4汤匙(Brown sugar 3-4 tablespoons)
1、糯米 1杯 浸泡2-3个小时 清洗干净沥干.
We need 1 cups of glutinous rice and soak it for 2-3 hours and wash clean then drain
2、不粘锅烧热 加入猪油 放入泡好的糯米翻炒 炒至米粒变干 加入1/2杯水。继续翻炒 直到糯米再次变干 再加半杯的水 翻炒,当糯米变得透明 关火。混入屏幕显示所有材料。
Heat a non stick pan and add in 1 tablespoon Lard , add in the glutinous rice from earlier. stir fry on medium until the rice becomes slightly dry, add in 1/2 cup water . Keep stirring until the rice becomes dry again . add in another half a cup of water . Once the rice turning translucent, turn off the heat and mix in all the ingredients shown on the screen
3、准备肠衣 浸泡 把盐分清洗干净 。 用矿泉水瓶顶部 做漏斗 把糯米装入肠衣。
不要装的太满 留一半的空间,灌入糯米的香肠,两头肠衣各留3厘米的长度。
prepare the sausage casing, wash clean and soak in the water to remove the salt content
use the lower part of a plastic water bottle and it will serve as a sausage filling mechanism