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金沙凤尾虾golden shrimp 

去头开背虾 400克(Easy peel-- shrimp 400 g)

白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp white pepper powder)

盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)

料酒1茶匙(1 tsp cooking wine)

生粉1汤匙(1 tbsp cornstarch)

面包屑1杯(1 cup bread crumbs)





1、首先把400克的 去头开背虾(Easy peel)去壳 留下尾部。然后在虾背上切一刀破开,但不要切断。


2、处理好了之后 把虾肉放到碗里 加入屏幕显示调味料( 白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp white pepper powder)盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)料酒1茶匙(1 tsp cooking wine) ) 抓匀后,再放入生粉1汤匙(1 tbsp cornstarch)混匀腌制10分钟。


3、然后准备一杯的面包屑,把腌制好的虾肉裹上面包屑  稍微压一压。


4、菜油1.5杯烧热至 140摄氏度,或者你用筷子在油里试一试 看见大量的泡泡从筷子上升起来,就说明油温可以了。这时保持中偏高火,把虾放入炸,

炸至颜色金黄 外表酥脆 就可以了,大约需要1分钟。 可以分2-3次炸完。



5、之后把炸好的虾捞出 放在厨房纸上 吸去多余的油。一边备用。


6、准备熟咸蛋黄2个(2 salted egg yolk - cooked) 把炒锅烧热 加1汤匙油,放入咸蛋黄用中火翻炒,一直炒到蛋黄变成泡沫状,倒入炸好的虾混匀即可出锅。



  1、虾肉在裹面包粉时,要用手压一压,让面包屑附着在虾肉上,否则炸的时候会掉渣,炸出的               虾也不脆。如果你觉得虾肉太干裹不住面包粉,可以用一点点的蛋清增加湿度,但一定要抓匀。







Today I will be sharing with you guys another delicious shrimp recipe to start off 2016. This golden shrimp coated in salted egg is perfect for any dinner party. 


First prepare about 400 grams of easy peel shrimps, deshell everything except the tail, butterfly the shrimp by slitting open the back side without fully cutting through 


marinate in a seasoning for 10 minutes made of 1/2 tablespoon of white pepper, 1/4 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of cooking wine, after mixing well add in 1 tbsp of cornstarch 


prepare 1 cup of bread crumb and coat the marinated shrimp with it, gently press the crumb into the shrimp


heat a cup and a half of vegetable oil until it is 140 degree Celsius, you'll know the oil is at the right temperature when you stick a chopstick in and bubbles rise around it. keep the oil on medium high heat and place the shrimp in 


fry until the shrimps are golden and crispy, it should take about 1 minutes, fry them in 2-3 batches


place the fried shrimps on some kitchen towels and set aside


prepare two cooked salted egg yolks, heat a pan and add in 1 tablespoon of oil, place in the yolks and pan fry on medium heat until the yolk turns into a foamy texture, toss in the the shrimps and take out after it's well coated 




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