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Steamed  rice cakes 

粘米粉 1杯约140克(Rice flour 140 g)
白糖1/3杯约 70克(Sugar 70 g)

水250毫升(Water 250ml )

油2汤匙(Oil 2 tbsp)

干酵母 1/2茶匙(Dry yeast 1/2 tsp)

黑芝麻适量(Black sesame seeds)




1、首先,我们需要粘米粉Rice flour,140克。放在一个碗里,然后加入 70克白糖、250毫升水和2汤匙油,搅拌,如果你用的米粉吸水性比较强,米浆看起来比我的浓,可以适当的多加一点水。


2、把它们搅匀 成完全没有颗粒的米浆, 把装着米浆的碗放入滚水锅里 隔水不停的搅拌,一直搅到米浆开始轻微的变稠,记得只是非常轻微的变稠 底部不能有结块 米浆仍然是流动的,你可以把碗从锅里取出来,用锅铲沾点米浆 如果用手指在沾有米浆的锅铲上一划 能看到一条清晰的划痕  说明米浆就可以了,这样处理后的米浆它不会沉淀。


3、然后把米浆放凉至大约30摄氏度左右,把1/2茶匙的干酵母放入 搅匀。再把米浆倒入一个量杯里  这是为了更方便测量米浆的发酵程度。同时,也容易把米浆倒入茶碗内。这时量杯里的米浆应该在350毫升左右,用保鲜膜覆盖,放在室温里让它发酵。


4、当量杯里的米浆高度升到550毫升左右时,用筷子把米浆搅拌一下,米浆高度会很快降下去。再覆盖 让它第二次发酵。当量杯里的米浆高度再次升到500毫升左右时 米浆就可以了,这时你就不要动它了。两次发酵整个过程需要1个到1个半小时,根据你的室温不同。


5、准备8个小茶碗 small teacup,你可以选不同的茶碗 。在茶碗里刷油后,放入蒸笼,再把蒸笼放到滚水的锅里蒸1分钟 让茶碗先热起来,然后把发酵好米浆倒入茶碗内  撒一些黑芝麻在面上,加盖蒸8-10分钟,看茶碗大小。可以用竹签测试,没有生的米浆带出 就可以了。


6、蒸好的碗糕teacup rice cakes,放凉后就很容易取出来,切开中间应该是有很多气孔,口感松软,清甜,没有酸味。





First we will measure 140grams of rice flour. Combine with 70grams of sugar, 250ml of water and 2 tablespoons of oil. mix well and adjust accordingly until you reach the consistency in the video. 


Mix until the liquid mixture is free of any solid particles. Continue to stir while placing the bowl into a pot of hot water. make sure you are stirring constantly until the mixture starts to thicken slightly. make sure it's still in a liquid state. Set the bowl aside and dip the spatula into the mixture and if you can draw a clear line on the spatula with your finger, then the mixture is ready. this process will prevent the rice powder from settling. 


Let the mixture chill until it is around 30 degree celsius, mix in 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast , mix well and pour the content into a measuring cup. This will allow you to better measure the rising process as well as making the later pouring process easier.  it should measure to about 350ml at this point. cover it with some saran wrap and let it rise in room temperature. 


When the liquid content rises to about 550ml and stir with a chopstick. this will decrease the volume immediately. cover it again and let it rise a second time. when it reached 500ml it's ready. try not to disturb it too much at this point. the whole rising process should take about 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on the room temperature.


Prepare 8 teacups of your choice, brush on some oil and steam it in a  boiling steamer for 1 minute to allow it to warm up. then pour the liquid content into the cups and sprinkle on some black sesames on top. cover the lid and steam for 8-10 minutes , depending of the size of the teacup. test with a skewer by poking it through the middle and if it comes out clean then it's ready. 


Let the teacup cakes cool a little and they should slide right out of the cups.  this dessert is airy and sweet and it's simply a really delicious and fun dessert to eat. 



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