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​田园时光美食  咖喱鸡Curry Chicken

鸡大腿肉 3个(3 chicken thighs)

盐1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 teaspoon)

白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(White pepper powder 1/2 teaspoon)





辣椒(Hot pepper)


柠檬叶(Lemon leaves)


咖喱粉 1茶匙(Curry powder 1 teaspoon)

椰奶 200毫升(Coconut milk 200 ml)

盐 1/2茶匙(Salt 1/2 teaspoon)


  1. 选鸡大腿肉 或其他部分的鸡肉 切块 用盐和白胡椒粉盐30分钟。

Prepare 3 chicken thighs  cut into chunks  marinate in a seasoning for 30 minutes

  2、准备配料:胡萝卜 、土豆、洋葱、番茄、辣椒、蒜瓣、柠檬叶。

Prepare other ingredients :Carrot、Potato、Onion Tomato、Hot pepper、Garlic、Lemon leaves

  3、先把土豆用中火煎至表面金黄,再把鸡肉用大火 煎至外皮金黄,取走锅里多余的油脂。

First, pan fry the potatoes on medium heat until the sides are all golden brown. do the same with the chicken on high heat until all sides are crispy and golden, drain the excess oil in the pan

  4、同样的炒锅留少量的油 把洋葱 胡萝卜 蒜瓣炒软,放入咖喱粉炒香 再放入辣椒、番茄以及煎过的土豆和鸡块。

using a little bit of the remaining oil in the pan, stir in the onion, carrot and minced garlic until they are soft and fragrant. add in the curry powder and then the pepper. Also add in the tomato along with the pan fried potatoes and chicken


add in coconut milk and salt. After it comes to a boil, cook on medium heat for 20 minutes, 15 minutes in, add in the lemon grass

​椰奶coconut milk

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