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田园时光美食-- 烤鸡肉串chicken kebab

鸡胸肉或鸡腿肉400克(400 g chicken breast or thigh meat)

棕糖1/4杯(1/4 cup brown sugar)

水1/4杯(1/4 cup water)

盐1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp salt)

黑胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp black pepper)

鱼露1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp fish sauce)

青柠檬汁1/2茶匙(Lime juice 1/2 tsp)

油1汤匙(1 tbsp oil)





1、首先我需要先煮糖浆,用1/4杯棕糖加上1/4杯水,煮到轻微浓稠 不要太浓,否则凉了以后会取不出来,当你用勺子在锅底划一下,能看见一道道痕迹糖浆就可以了,取出来放凉。

2、现在把400克鸡肉切小块,我希望油脂少一些 所以用鸡胸肉,但肉串口感要好,最好用带皮的鸡大腿thigh肉。


4、同时把竹签泡入水中 也浸泡1个小时。

5、之后把鸡肉串起来。最好能用烧烤炉子来烤鸡肉串,明火会让糖焦更香,鸡肉也会更嫩。烤箱烤的话 需要一个烤架子,底部垫上烤盘接油,烤架上刷些油,再往肉串上刷些油。

6、烤箱预热425华氏度,烤 30分钟,至表面微焦即可,中间可以翻2次面。出炉后再撒黑胡椒粉。很不一样味道的鸡肉串,你不妨试试。





First we will make a simple syrup by combining a quarter cup of water with a quarter cup of brown sugar, cook until it slightly thickens. Test the viscosity of the syrup by drawing a line with a spoon, if you can see a clear trail then it's ready. Careful not to overcook it or it would be too thick to use later. set this syrup aside for later use


Now dice 400grams of chicken, I personally prefer something that is lower in fat so I'm using chicken breast here, but if you want something that is more tender and juicy, I'd highly recommend going with chicken thigh meat. 


Place the chicken meat in a large bowl and season with the following seasoning. . add in the chilled syrup and let it marinate for 1 hour. the syrup will allow the chicken to caramelize and give it a nice smoky flavour 


During this time, soak the bamboo skewer in water for 1 hour


Now all we have to do is skewer the meat and get cooking. The ideal way to cook these would be using a BBQ stove on open fire. this way, the chicken will be most tender and caramelize beautifully. If you are feeling lazy however, you can use an oven and a simple rack. place a pan at the bottom to collect the oil and brush some oil on the rack.


Preheat the oven at 425 degree celsius and bake for 30 minutes until the surface browns. turn it over twice during the baking process and sprinkle on some black pepper at the end. this chicken kebab is easy to make and delicious. 

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