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 农家小炒肉Stirfry pork 

梅头肉或五花肉300克( Pork butt or  belly 300 g)
青辣椒 100克(Green chillies 100 g)
蒜头30克(Garlic 30 g)
豆豉1.5汤匙(Fermented black beans 1.5 tbsp)
料酒1汤匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)
花椒1茶匙(1 tsp Chinese prickly ash)
酱油2汤匙(2 tbsp soy sauce)
糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)




5、炒锅里放1汤匙油,先把蒜头片煸香,再倒入豆豉 炒出香味。放入青辣椒炒软,放入屏幕显示的调味料--料酒1汤匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)花椒1茶匙(1 tsp Chinese prickly ash)酱油2汤匙(2 tbsp soy sauce)糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)。放入肉片,炒到肉片完全入味即可。


Stirfry pork one of those popular dish in china that every family takes a unique spin on, personally i think it's especially delicious in the spicier regions.


First choose a nice chunk of meat with the Pork Collar-butt or pork belly meat. About 300 grams 

Place in a pot of water covering the meat and after it has boiled turn the heat down to medium and cook for 5 minutes, then cover the pot and let it sit for 30 minutes

Check to see if it's ready but sticking a chopstick through, if it goes in easily its ready. Slice into thin spices, don't worry if the meat is still slightly red in the centre. set the meat slices aside 

Slice some none spicy pepper 100g and garlic30g   


Add 1 tablespoon of oil into a frying pan and stir fry the garlic until fragrant,

then add in the fermented black beans until fragrant as well. Add in the pepper slices and stir until it becomes soft. Add in the rest of the ingredients shown--料酒1汤匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)花椒1茶匙(1 tsp Chinese prickly ash)酱油2汤匙(2 tbsp soy sauce)糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)and lastly add in the pork slices, stir until all the flavours are fully incorporated. 


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