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四季豆350克(Green beans 350g)
酱油1茶匙(1 tsp soy sauce)
料酒 1汤匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)
糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
盐1/4茶匙( 1/4tsp salt)
蒜蓉1茶匙(1tsp Minced garlic )
榄菜 1汤匙(Chinese olive vegetable 1tbsp)
小苏打1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp baking soda)





干煸四季豆 是中餐馆非常著名的一道菜, 餐馆的做法是用油炸的办法来做的.今天给大家分享适合家庭制作不需要油炸的方法.


1, 首先准备新鲜的四季豆 350克 .   洗干净后把豆子头尾的蒂切掉.  

2,锅里烧开1000毫升的滚水, 放入四季豆  ,我会同时放入1/3茶匙的小苏打,它会让豆子保持翠绿的颜色.

3,大火煮5分钟,不用加盖.  捞出沥干  .


5,炒锅或者煎锅烧热,放入1.5--2汤匙的油. 放入煮过的四季豆,摊平铺满锅底,用大火煎,  不时的翻动一下.

6,直到每一个豆子 的表面开始起皱,  取出放在一旁备用. 煎的时候可能受热不一样,你要把已经起皱豆子先取出来,这样子整盘的豆子颜色才会均匀.

7,煎豆子的锅 留下很少量的油,放入蒜末中火炒香.放入煎过的四季豆,同时加入准备好的调味料(酱油1茶匙\料酒 1汤匙\糖1/2茶匙\盐1/4茶匙),炒匀后关火,






Dry sautéed green beans is a popular dish in Chinese restaurants. Usually it is done through frying but today i will show you guys how to make this dish at home without frying. 


First prepare 350 grams of fresh green beans, wash clean and remove the ends

boil 1000ml of water and add in the green beans, add in 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda to keep the beans green. 

let it cook for 5 minute without lid and strain with a colander

Dry with  kitchen towels

Heat a pan until hot and add in 1.5-2 tablespoons of oil and lay the green beans evenly in the pan and let it pan fry on high heat, constantly move the beans around to prevent burning 


The beans will heat unevenly so take out the cooked ones, one by one, they will have wrinkles forming on the surface. this will ensure the final dish to have even colouring 


Using the same pot and a little bit of the oil remaining, add in the minced garlic and stir on medium heat until fragrant, add in the green beans and all the seasonings(1 tsp soy sauce\1 tbsp cooking wine\1/2 tsp sugar\1/4tsp salt).

Mix well and turn off heat. add in 1 tablespoons of Chinese olive vegetable. mix well. you can also use minced meat as substitue but keep in mind to season heavily because the Chinese olive vegetable is very fragrant. 
















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