Garden Time
homemade cuisine

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Dim Sum
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田园时光美食 酸辣脆萝卜条
pickled radish

白萝卜450克(450 g white radish)
盐1茶匙(1 tsp salt)
白糖3汤匙(3 tbsp sugar)
白醋 2.5汤匙(2.5 tbsp white vinegar)
红辣椒1个(1 red pepper)
青柠檬半个(Half a lime)
今天给大家推荐一道 开胃小菜 酸甜萝卜条,它口感特别爽脆,酸酸甜甜还带有一点辣味,它作为佐餐小菜 尤其是夏天非常开胃 清爽。而且非常简单。
3、萝卜条放在大碗里,放入1茶匙的盐, 混匀。 腌制30分钟。
5、现在调腌汁,把屏幕显示的材料放在碗里搅匀。这里我放了一个小红辣椒 这种比较辣 不能多放,这里的半个青柠檬很重要,它会保持萝卜的新鲜口感 。
6、把调好的腌汁倒入萝卜条里,密封放入冰箱冷藏。4个小时以后就可以吃了, 由于腌汁不足以覆盖萝卜条,中间不时地把容器晃动或倒过来 让所有萝卜条都能腌到。
7。萝卜条腌好后 吃多少取多少,其它的留在容器里保留着腌汁,可以在冰箱里存放1个星期,它仍然保持爽脆的口感。
Today we will be making a refreshing appetizer, pickled radish. It's sweet and tangy with a hint of spiciness, making it a perfect appetizer to a summer meal. The best part, it couldn't be any easier to make
First we will prepare a radish, about 450 grams will do. peel off the skin and wash clean
Cut them up into thick match sticks as shown, don't cut them too thin
Place the radish matches in a large bowl and mix in 1 tsp of salt, mix well and let it marinate for 30 minutes
the salt will draw the water content out. wash clean the radish matchsticks with some clear water and drain, place them in a clean air tight container
Now let's make the sauce. combine all the seasonings shown on the screen and mix well. I've added 1 small red pepper here, it's important not to add too much. Also, the half of lime I've added here is crucial as well as it keeps the freshness of the radish
Once all mixed, pour the sauce into the container with the radish and let it cool in the fridge. after 4 hours, it's ready. The sauce will only cover about half a container of the radish so for best result, make sure you periodically tilt and flip the container around to ensure all the radish matches are soaked thoroughly
Once 4 hours is up, they are ready to be enjoyed! Take out however much you'd like to eat with a clean utensil and store the rest in its marinating sauce. This appetizer can stay fresh for 1 week in the fridge