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田园时光美食 白醋制豆腐making Tofu with vinegar

黄豆3杯约600 g(Soybean 3 cups about 600 g)

水2000ml + 1000ml (Water 2000ml + 1000ml)

5%白醋 50ml (5%  pure white vinegar 50 ml)

水125 ml (Water 125ml)





1、首先我们要把600克的黄豆 用足够的水浸泡过夜,至少8个小时。

2、把泡好的黄豆 清洗干净,再 沥干。加入2000ml 的水 放入果汁机里打成很细的浆,因为量比较大 可以分二到三次打。

3、浆打好后,倒入纱布里 把豆渣过滤出来,尽量挤干 。我们需要2次过滤。第一次过滤时 挤干会比较难一点,所以最好也是分几次 一次不要太多。当第二次过滤时就会轻松很多了。

4、过滤出的豆渣,它的用处 我有另外的视频,请看屏幕上的链接(怎么处理豆渣。

5、现在我们把豆浆放到炉子上加热,注意豆浆很容易溢出来,要用大一些的锅 只能开中火 一定不能大火,需要一点耐心。边煮边搅拌 人不能离开,同时我们需要往锅里加入1000毫升的水,来稀释它,但不要一次倒入,分多次倒入,也可以用来预防豆浆溢出来。煮到锅里的泡沫越来越少,你可以看见豆浆沸腾翻滚,再煮5分钟左右就可以关火了。我这里煮好的豆浆量大约是3000ml.



7、这时马上回到豆浆这里,熄火之后的豆浆看不到翻滚的气泡时(温度大约是90摄氏度或更高),就立即开始加进白醋溶液,要慢慢一丁点的倒入 倒得越慢豆腐的质感才越嫩,边倒边轻轻搅动,慢慢的你会看见豆浆出现了絮状。当所有的豆浆都变成了絮状,就可以做豆腐了。 万一锅里还有豆浆没有变成絮状,你可以用小火提高一下豆浆的温度,继续一点点加白醋溶液 直到豆浆全部变成絮状。


8、我用了一个慕斯圈,按照视频展示的方法把豆腐压出来。我这里做的是中等硬度的豆腐,如果你要做更硬的豆腐 可以在倒入的白醋溶液里增加1汤匙或更多的白醋。








First we will soak 600 grams of soy bean over night for at least 8 hours


Now we will wash clean the softened soybeans and drain. pour into a blender and add 2000ml of water and blend into a thin liquid. you can divide the portion into 3 to make this process easier 


Now we will drain the soy dregs out with a cheese cloth. you need to squeeze out as much of the liquid content as possible and repeat this step twice. the first time will be slighter more difficult but doing this step in multiple portions will make it easier.


Now leave the remaining dregs aside, I have a separate video on showing you the many uses of these dregs. , check it out in the link down below(怎么处理豆渣What to do with soy milk dregs : 


Now we will heat the raw soy milk in a large pot. careful to not let it overflow, try to use a larger sized pot and keep it on medium heat. this step requires some patience, and you have to constantly stir while slowly adding in 1000ml of water every time it's about to over flow. the foaming bubbles in the pot will begin to cease and once you see the soy milk begins to come to a boil, let it boil for 5 minutes and it's ready. this recipe yields about 3000ml of soy milk

after you turn off the heat, prepare a container with 50ml of white vinegar mixed with 125ml of water


Immediately check on the soy milk, once all the bubbles ceases, slowly add in the vinegar water mixture. the temperature of the soy milk should be 90degree celsius or higher. remember to pour slowly, the slower you pour the softer the tofu will be. while you stir gently stir and you will notice the soy milk begin to curd. once all the soy milk begins a semi solid state, you're ready for the next step. in case your soy milk doesn't curd, turn the heat back on low and continue adding the vinegar water mixture.  now use a mousse ring and follow the instructions shown in the video to compress the soy milk curd. I'm making medium hardness tofu, if you would like your tofu even harder, just add 1 tablespoon or more of the vinegar when you prepare the mixture. 


Check out my channel for all the delicious recipe you can make with this tofu. Thank you for watching 













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