Garden Time
homemade cuisine
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Dim Sum
快手菜 Quickly dishes
蛋黄千层包steamed layered cake
甜中带 咸 层层相隔 正是那思念的味道
面粉2杯约360克(2 cups all purpose flour, about 360 g)
干酵母1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast)
糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
30 ° C左右温水250ml(250 ml of warm water about 30 ° C)
绿豆黄1/2杯约110克(Skinless mung beans, 1/2 cup about 110 g)
熟咸蛋黄3个(3 salted egg yolk--cooked)
猪油2汤匙(2 tbsp lard)
糖1/2杯约110克Sugar 1/2 cup about 110 g
水250毫升(250ml water)
感谢朋友 Bo Li为这道点心配的诗
1、首先来准备酵母水,按照屏幕显示的量 把干酵母糖和水放在一起搅匀,放置5-10分钟,直到表面出现浮沫,说明酵母被激活了。然后把2杯的面粉放到大碗里 ,倒入酵母水搅拌,再揉成面团,这个面团应该是软硬刚好不粘手的(这个步骤不要太用力揉,成团即可) 你可以适当增减水或粉。
2、揉好的面团 加盖放到温暖的地方 发酵至2倍大,时间约需30-40分钟(视室温不同)
3、趁发面的时候,我们来做馅料:把半杯的去皮绿豆,清洗干净 沥干,放入锅里,再加入 1杯的水,先把它烧开后转中偏小火,因为煮这个豆非常容易溢出来,所以这时盖子不要完全盖上 留一点缝来煮 直到锅里的水基本上被豆子吸收(大约需要10-15分钟)再把盖子盖上,然后转小火煮10分钟,关火后再焖十分钟。
4、煮好的豆子 要趁热的时候,把屏幕显示的熟的咸蛋黄 猪油和糖拌入 压碎搅成糊状。馅料就做好了。一边备用。
5、现在回到面团, 在板上撒一些粉,把发到2倍大的面团放上 开始揉,这时面团会比较粘手 可以不时地在手上抹些粉再揉。注意想要做出漂亮的成品,一定要把面团揉实,用力揉,直到面团里没有任何气泡 表面很光滑。
6、然后把面团擀成 30cm×30cm的正方形,擀的时候一定要均匀 蒸出来的包子层次才会均匀,记得不时地在板上撒粉 以免面皮黏在板上。
8、竹蒸笼上铺上蒸笼纸,可以用烘培纸,但必须戳一些洞 透气。把折好的面团放入。
9、锅里的水烧热到40摄氏度,关火(一定记得关火)把蒸笼放入,让面团在温水里饧发20分钟,之后你会看到面团比之前要增大一些。现在就可以开火,用中偏高火 烧开后 蒸20分钟。中间不要打开盖子 直到关火后5分钟。
10 ,蒸好之后稍微放凉一些 就可取出来,然后切出你喜欢的形状。
Today we will be making a delicious and beautiful Chinese steamed layered cake that its sure to impress anyone that tries them. let's get started.
First we will prepare the yeast water combine the ingredients shown on the screen together, so just mix together the dry yeast, sugar and luke warm water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes until foams form on the surface, that's how you know the yeast had been activated. Combine with 2 cups of flour and mix into a dough. The consistency of the dough should be soft enough but not sticky. Careful not to over knead, adjust with extra water or flour.
Cover with a bowl in a warm area and let it rise until it doubles n size, it should take about 30-40 minutes depending on the room temperature
While the dough is rising, we will make the filling. Prepare half a cup of skinless mung beans, wash clean and strain and place into a pot. Add in 1 cup of water and cook on medium low heat. Careful not to let the water overflow. To prevent that, cover the pot with a lid leaving only a crack. Until the pot of water is completely absorbed beans ,It should be cooked in 10-15 minutes then cover pot with the lid.Then turn heat to low and simmer for an additional 10 minutes . Turn off the heat and let it steam on the remaining heat for 10 minutes
Mix together mung bean while it's hot with the yolk of salted eggs(cooked), lard and sugar until it forms a paste. Then the filling is done and sit aside.
Now we will go back to the dough, spread some loose flour on the counter and place the dough on top, knead until there are no more air bubbles. It will be slightly sticky to the touch, so keep dusting your hand with loose flour. It's very important that the dough is tough and well kneaded with a smooth surface.
Roll the dough into a 30 times 30 square, make sure you kneed it evenly so the finished pastry will hold its layers nicely. Sprinkle loose flour in between the process so the dough doesn't stick to the board.
Spread the filling on the dough square and fold it in half. Remember, it's absolutely crucial to make sure every step is done evenly.
Line then bamboo steamer with some steamer paper or you can use parchment paper as well. but be sure to poke a few holes to allow air circulation. place the dough in
boil the water until it's 40 degree celsius, turn off the heat and place the steamer in and let it rise for 20 minutes and it will be ready after it rises to twice its size. Turn on the heat and after the water starts to boil, steam it on medium high heat for 20 minutes, do not open the lid in between. when its ready keep the lid on for another 5 minutes after you turn off the heat.
Let it cool slightly before setting the cake out, then you can slice it into any shape you like, aren't they just gorgeous?