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Ginger sauté duck

鸭子 1600克(Ducks 1600 g)

葱姜适量(Green onion and ginger)

水3000毫升(Water 3000 ml)


姜丝 30克(Ginger 30 g)
甜面酱2汤匙(2 tbsp sweet bean paste)

料酒2汤匙(2 tbsp cooking wine)

盐1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp salt)
糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)


姜丝40克(Ginger 40 g)
鱼露1汤匙(1 tbsp fish sauce)

1、鸭子一只,大约1600克左右,锅里准备大约3000毫升的水 能刚好没过鸭子就行,先放入生姜几片和2根葱,再把鸭子放入。

2、大火烧开后 撇去浮沫 之后转中火 煮20分钟。然后关火加盖 再焖20分钟,中间不要去翻动它。

3、取出鸭子 切成块状。分成2份 我要分别炒出2种不同的味道。

4、第一种做法:炒锅烧热 把煮鸭子汤锅里的浮油舀出2汤匙倒入,再下30克姜丝,用中火慢慢翻炒出香,之后放入2汤匙甜面酱2 tbsp sweet bean paste,翻炒出香,记得不要用大火炒 会焦糊的。

5、倒入切好的鸭肉翻炒几下,再放入屏幕显示的调味料 ,调味料很简单 为了保持鸭肉的原味。再加1/2杯 煮鸭肉的汤  炒匀后 用大火煮到收汁,即可。

6、第二种做法:锅烧热 加鸭油,放入40克姜丝 中偏高火炒香,再放入切好的鸭肉一起炒勻,之后加入1汤匙鱼露 翻炒 让鸭肉入味,再加入 煮鸭子的汤1/2杯,大火煮到收汁。



On this channel I have showed you guys some traditional classic duck recipes and today I have one more delicious duck dish for you guys. but this time it's simple and quick perfect for a family night dinner


First prepare 1 duck about 1600grams. prepare 3000ml of water, just enough to cover over the duck. add in a few slices of ginger and 2 stalks of green onions then add in the duck

Once it comes to a boil, remove the foam and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes then cover the lid and turn off then heat and let it steam for 20 minutes. don't disturb in between

strain out the duck and cut up into chunks. divide into 2 halves for the 2 different dishes 

With the first recipe you will let a pan heat until hot spoon in 2 tablespoons of the oil floating on top of the duck soup. add in 30 grams of thinly cut ginger. sauté on low heat until fragrant. add in 2 tablespoons of sweet bean paste and incorporate until fragrant as well. avoid sautéing on high heat to prevent burning

Now add in the duck chunks and add in the seasoning shown, the seasonings are quite simple and will allow the rich duck flavour to shine through. now add in a half cup of duck stock and stir with the sauce. heat on high heat to reduce and it's ready

The second recipe is even simpler. heat the pan until hot and add in the duck oil. add in 40 grams of thinly sliced ginger and sauté on medium high. add in the duck and season with 1 tablespoon of fish sauce. stir to incorporate the flavour. add in 1/2 cup of the duck stock and it's ready. reduce on high heat. 

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